Operando Electrochemical Methods

The electrochemical interface is where the electron transfer between electrode/electrocatalyst/electrolyte happens. Understanding the interface reveals the structure-property relationship of electrocatalysts. *In situ* techniques are helpful to study the interface.

**Our topic**
1. *In situ* atomic force microscopy (EC-AFM)
2. *In situ* mass spectroscopy coupled electrolysis

**Read more**
1. W. Zheng, *Chemistry Methods*, **2022**, e202200042
2. W. Zheng, et al., *ACS Energy Letters*, **2021**, 6, 2838–2843
3. W. Zheng, et al., *ACS Catalysis*, **2020**, 20, 81–92


Electrocatalyst Design and Modulation

Electrocatalysts are materials that can promote electrochemical conversion at a fixed potential. For the best efficiency, the materials must have a suitable surface atomic configuration and adsorption energy. The rational design of active sites is the best way to achieve this.

**Our topic**
1. Electrochemical synthesis of inorganic materials
2. Ammonia electrooxidation, water electrolysis

**Read more**
1. W. Zheng, *Analysis & Sensing*, **2022**, e202200070
2. W. Zheng, et al., *Small*, **2021**, 17, 2007768
3. W. Zheng, et al., *Nanoscale*, **2021**, 13, 15177–15187

Copyright 2024 Weiran Zheng / Electrochemical Interface and Conversion Lab @ GTIIT